Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Little Kid Lunch

Though I sometimes like to think of myself as a fancy pants eater, or "foodie", often for a midday meal, I enjoy what I've come to call the "Little Kid" lunch.

Examples of possible "Little Kid" lunch combos:
tomato soup + grilled cheese + apple slices
pb&j + yogurt + carrot sticks

And in my case, lately the combo is 274 calories of awesomeness.
You might not be stuffed for hours on end, but it's staisfying and requires zero cooking.
1 (or two for an additional 160 calories if you're pretty hungry) TJ's veggie corn dog
2-ish cups of TJ's Organic Broccoli Slaw + 1-2 tablespoons of low cal ranch dressing
(note: I typically *HATE* coleslaw, but for some reason, I dig this)
1 or 2 cups of this deliciousness:
and viola... .the perfect "Little Kid" lunch on a warm day.

Is it obvious that I live less than 3 blocks from a Trader Joe's?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



So I know the economy is in the shitter and we should be safe and cut out unnecessary luxuries.

I bought this eyelash stimulator for *gulp $125 from my eyebrow lady.
(Yes, I'm *THAT* vain and that much of a sucker when it comes to beauty products.)

And here's the cool part. It totally works. My lashes are noticeably longer after about 3 weeks of sporadic usage. I would guesstimate that I remember to put it on 3-4 times per week - you're supposed to apply it once daily.

Now, this chemical crap is not without it's drawbacks.... for the first few days it looked like I had either taken some gigantic bong rips, or as if I was getting over some raging pink eye. The fiance told me to quit using it immediately, and he oh-so-sweetly pointed out that it also was exaggerating my under eye circles. I was undeterred. In my quest for lush lashes, I proceeded with the application. The negative side effects only lasted a few days. And besides - when I was little I remember my mom brushing my long hair as I winced in pain and she explained to me: sometimes it hurts to be beautiful.

I wonder if we could put it on the fiance's bald spot? He seems very concerned about this lately.

So here's the deal.

I am back in blogland.

Shall I explain my absence? Okay. I had a little fitness blog, mainly where I bitched about my weight and devised schemes to shed some chub. Also, sometimes I talked about other stuff. In any case, I wanted it to be anonymous. And then I saw a colleague 'google me' and the blog popped up in the results. I do not know how it ever became associated with my real name. I was horrified. In my job as a sales rep I call on a lot of weird people and/or flirtatious creeps (don't get me wrong, I have cool clients too - but even then I wouldn't want them to know an iota about my personal life). I wouldn't doubt it if some of the nosier ones 'googled me' as soon as I left their office. Also, I wouldn't want my employer, or co-workers to have access to my verbal vomit, therefore, I disabled that blog immediately.

If you know my real name, and I realize many of you do, please do not use it. Not that you would, but I'm just trying to prevent the situation from happening again. (And if you know of a way to disassociate my old blog with my real name, I'm all ears! Just PM me!)

Also, this blog won't necessarily be about fitness. But because I am on a constant quest for fitness, it will sometimes be about fitness.

Okay, that's it.